Welcome to LugGuards

We are a family-owned business based in Hampshire, UK.

Founded over 10 years ago, we drive innovation and design, producing quality products from earplugs to ear wax management.

Thank you for your visiting our site.

If there is anything you feel could improve your experience, let us know!

this is a image of a lady with her finger in her ear, represnting ear pain due to a ear wax blockage. The image also has our brand,LugGuards some people do not understand why I called it LugGuards but in the north our ears are called Lugholes.


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Customer Feedback is so important to us, let's share some with you!

I have been deaf in one ear for about 2 weeks now and finally after 10 minutes of using this it has totally removed the blockage. I have to add that for those 2 weeks I have been using olive oil drops to soften the wax. I originally hoped the olive oil would have dissolved the wax enough to not need flushing out, but after a week or so I decided to buy one of these and i'm so glad I did.

I'll spare you the picture, but it's super satisfying to see all that gunk come out. Even more satisfying is when you suddenly hear everything clearer than you ever have before. I can hear everything so vividly and now my once good ear now feels like its blocked compared with the flushed ear.

Hazel Whitney

Absolutely amazing. I’ve been deaf in one ear due to wax build up. Have been using drops for a few weeks with no change. Used this product today and first time a huge difference so did 3 doses overall and now can hear better than I ever did!

Emma Milburn

I have suffered on and off for years with compacted earwax, it’s as though I’ve constantly been listening to people through a blanket! It’s made worse with swimming on a regular basis. I use drops regularly, but I still have problems.
This arrived about 30 minutes ago, so I had to use it straightaway - wow! One ear cleared immediately, the other one I had to do twice, but the difference. I am so happy I came across this product, wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others. 😉

Sally D

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